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Making life transitions meaningful

After 25 years as a highly successful Certified Financial Planner, Mariette Tappan found herself grieving the passing of five of her clients in one year. This experience led to a shift in her thinking about her role as clients face significant transitions. The result has been a monumental transition of her own, with a fresh identity and purpose as a Planner.

As one of the longest standing members of Women In Finance Network, Mariette Tappan has always appreciated the unique role that female financial planners play, particularly in their ability to tune into clients’ needs and fears.

Now that some of her clients are ageing, the need to be equipped to guide them both strongly and sensitively through life changes has impressed itself on her; she wanted to improve her empathetic and communication skills, the better to serve them.

This new goal saw Mariette embarking on her own journey to qualify as a Certified Financial Transitionist® – the first in Africa! The CeFT® designation is available only to those who hold a CFP®, CIMA®, CFA®, or CPA/PFS designation, and the aim of this qualification is to bring together the two skill sets that a Financial Planner needs successfully to help clients navigate a life change: the technical financial planning expertise to reassure the client that their financial affairs are in good hands; and, the personal side of money, involving relationships, emotions, trust, hopes and dreams, self-esteem and a sense of well-being.

Mariette considers the considerable time and financial commitment to gaining her certification from the Financial Transitionist Institute well invested. She increasingly finds herself advising those in personal transitions, particularly widows who are either unfamiliar with managing their financial affairs, or who would like a sounding board to increase their confidence in managing their money. Whatever the need, partnering with a Financial Transitionist® such as Mariette is the answer!

Most of us experience at least one difficult life event that impacts us financially and emotionally. Challenges may include how to invest in a new circumstance; managing family’s expectations; ensuring that money lasts; changing lifestyle when the regular pay-cheque ceases.

Mariette looks forward to hosting workshops where she can inspire women and guide them through a life shift so that they emerge better for it. A subsequent transition is inevitable, so learning from this one is important to prepare for the success of the next one.

Mariette is excited about what she can bring to the financial planning industry. The tools and skills that she has acquired will enhance all financial planners offering to their clients, and she hopes that her story will encourage other Planners to level up their expertise.

We at WIFN wish Mariette all the best in this new chapter.

You can connect with Mariette via her website:

Kim Forbes is the Writer and a Life Planner at Chartered Wealth Solutions

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