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8 ways to create balance as a working mother

Julia Christelis, Associate Director at Accounting and Financial Advisory, has been learning to balance a busy career and being mom to her two daughters. Here is her advice, if you’re looking to find a better balance:

  1. Become a scheduling guru and be intentional with your time. If you want to work flexibly, you need to work smart.
  2. Single task. Do one task well and move onto the next.
  3. Act now for what you want in the future. You don’t need permission to step up and live the life you envisioned.
  4. Find mentors and mould the best you from a combination of different characteristics learnt from a host of mentors. There is immense value in having someone who believes in you in your corner professionally.
  5. Do not strive for perfection. Be comfortable with having days where you’ll feel like you’re drowning and days where you’ll be leading synchronised swimming. The quest for perfection is misplaced in the fragile attempt to balance a career and motherhood – it leads to an unfulfilled and disappointed woman with burnout and a lack of balance.
  6. Use every opportunity to meet new people and build your network. “It’s not what you know, but who you know” is not a popular saying for no reason.
  7. Allow yourself to be vulnerable in relationships, whether it is your boss, fellow moms, or juniors. It is only in being vulnerable that we can be authentic, and we can grow a strong connection to others. The most important relationship I have is with my husband. We work as a team to determine what process works for us so that we are on the same page in life, and I benefit greatly from his support as a partner.
  8. Learn to be intentional in the management of the guilt emotion so that you can be present both in your career and as a mom.

Don’t miss out on Julia’s article on how she learned these lessons and how she is able to be present, both at work and at home, click here.

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