Nilan has a wealth of transformational stories to tell.
Reason? She likes getting people excited about the things she is excited about. Right now, that’s the RE-inventing Wealth for Women Workshops. This workshop is designed specifically to Empower – Educate – Elevate discerning women to take charge of their lives and change their own futures. It’s infallible, timeless, and proven to work, in the past, now, and in the future.
Her financial planning practice is called iWealth Consult. Professionally, she has over three decades of leadership, coaching and most importantly, real life, in-the-trenches business, personal and professional experience. Her life changing and transformational insights has led her to believe, that financial freedom is a moment-to-moment choice. It’s not about title, tenure, or position. Investing is for everyone, everyday! It’s how we should live our life.
She has a legacy of putting client’s interest first. She attempts to help you achieve your best life possible and will work in concert with you, not just for you, to make this possible. Through a personalised and informed approach, she collaborates with you to develop tailored financial strategies that help you reach your financial and life goals in a meaningful way.
Her ongoing journey of learning includes certificates in Financial Planning, Coaching and Academic Degree. Whilst, awards and accolades are great acknowledgements, the biggest reward for her is making a purposeful and significant difference in the lives of others. She is anchored by purpose and significance.
Nilan is married for over 30 years, she has 1 amazing husband, 2 fabulous daughters and 3 interesting sides. The fun and adventurous side, the peaceful and calm side and the side you don’t want to know. In her spare time is energized by baking, cooking, gardening, travelling and taking long walks to freedom.